+1 (829) 750-3644 info@oirparavivir.com

Our Partners

Audition Solidarite

This is a humanitarian and civic association created in 2008, chaired by Christine BOURGER. It aims to work to improve hearing well-being among sensitive or disadvantaged populations around the world, through prevention, information, implementation of hearing technologies, training, research and actions aimed at supporting any humanitarian project in favor of the hearing world. This entity is our faithful ally since 2019 in the project we carry out with schools for hearing impaired children.

Hear For A Purpose

Hear For A Purpose is a foundation formally founded in 2018, this was created with the goal of helping to improve hearing health in each country where they have humanitarian missions. One of their main goals is to help people in the Dominican Republic to have access to good hearing technology and improve the quality of life of these people. Every year since 2016, Hear For A Purpose helps us with the realization of our open surgeries for hearing impaired people of all ages.


The Agence Française pour le Développement shows us that “together we always go further”. Your unconditional support reflects the true meaning of teamwork: thank you for walking beside us and making this impact possible!

MGM Meeting God in Mission

In 1998, in addition to the construction ministry, Dr. Mike McDonald led MGM’s first medical team in the Dominican Republic. Since then, MGM has expanded its ministries to include worship and teaching, optical, dental, prayer and evangelism, sewing, sports, gardening, food and clothing distribution, as well as children’s and women’s ministries. Thanks to the solidarity and love of the entire MGM team in each of our mission, we have their welcoming facility.


In each operation, Carrefour supports us by donating the food that allows volunteers and beneficiaries to receive the best care. In addition, a portion of the funds raised in the Carrefour 10K Run goes to our work, helping us to continue transforming lives through access to hearing health.


BM Cargo has proven to be much more than a logistics company; it has become a fundamental pillar for our operations at Hear to Live, helping us to bring hope and improve the quality of life of those who need it most.

Lycee francais saint domingue

Thanks to the enthusiasm of the 3rd grade students and the entire community, we have raised funds for Oír Para Vivir to finance hearing aids for children in need. This is already the third time they have supported us: Christmas 2023, Christmas 2024 and Christmas 2024. Thank you very much!

colegio saint john

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Promoción 2024 for their generous donation. Thanks to your support, we can continue to provide hearing care to those who need it most, allowing more people to have access to a better future.

IBC Shipyard

IBC Shipyard, the only shipyard for luxury yachts in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean currently employs local and foreign labor with the certification and collaboration of shipyards around the world. We thank IBC Shipyard for helping us with the transportation service during our mission .


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+1 (829) 750-3644


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